Hinge is pleased to announce the release of the 2017 Accounting Marketing Budget Benchmark Study. This study explores how firms across the nation spend and allocate their marketing budgets.
Video Transcription
Hi, I’m Lee Frederiksen. Today I’m very excited to announce the release of our brand new Budget Benchmarking Study for accounting firms. This is a study that was done with the cooperation of the Association for Accounting Marketing and Hinge Research Institute.
This year’s study was the largest one so far. It covered 84 firms having over 240 offices spread throughout the U.S. and internationally. They included 8,000 full-time employees and over $1.3 billion. That’s B for billion in billing. So it’s a very robust sample.
Now interestingly, the Budgeting Benchmark Study looks first at overall budgeting benchmarks. How much are firm spending on whole, on different kinds of marketing functions including people and all other marketing expenses?
Download the Accounting Marketing Budget Benchmark Study: Executive Summary
Then we look at high growth versus low growth firms. What are they doing differently? And there are some real important differences that have real implications for how you spend and budget your money.
Then we’ll look at spending by firms size and the type of market you’re operating in, whether it’s rural or highly urbanized or some combination of markets across offices.
And finally, we’ll look at a detailed budget breakdown on how much do you spend on all different types of expenses. So finally you can get that Apples to Apples comparison that all your partners and all the people in the firm have been wanting. Enjoy the study.