Elizabeth Harr

Elizabeth Harr

Managing Partner

703.391.8870 x812

15 thousand feet climbed in the Himalayas.

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Karl Feldman

Karl Feldman

Managing Partner

703.391.8870 x806

3 more client websites to launch before he finishes the Hinge Telepresence Robot.

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Aaron Taylor, Partner & Creative Director

Aaron Taylor

Managing Partner


5 countries lived in. Languages (including English) spoken fluently: 1.

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Joe Pope

Joe Pope

Partner, Director of Business Development

703.391.8870 x808

2 MLB no-hitters witnessed in person.

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Lee Frederiksen

Lee Frederiksen, Ph.D.

Founding Partner, Emeritus

703.391.8870 x821

64 eye-opening professional service statistics demystified in his last book.

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Mary-Blanche Kraemer

Partner, Director of Operations

703.391.8870 x800

19 international scuba dives complete.

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Christian Baldo

Art Director


’69: The summer I bought my first real six-string.

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Katy headshot

Katy Pultz

Senior Account Director

703.391.8870 x814

3: Average number of photos of her kids posted to social media per week.

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Kelly Moore

Kelly Moore

Account Director

703.391.8870 x805

70+ art museums visited across the world.

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Will Casserly

Will Casserly

Account Director

703.391.8870 x816

4,277 members in the Ancestry.com family tree (and growing).

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Megan Yaroch

Megan Yaroch

Director of Project Management

703.391.8870 x818

7 states she has lived in, give or take 10 cities…so far.

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Kristin Claeys

Kristin Claeys

Senior Graphic Designer


76 a cappella outbursts of song in the office, and counting…

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Kaitlin M.

Kaitlin Manocchio

Senior Project Manager

703.391.8870 x815

15+ botched recipes, and counting…

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Jake Ambrose

Senior Project Manager

703.391.8870 x810

5 hot breakfasts cooked each week, typically consisting of sausage or bacon, eggs scrambled or over-easy, and toast or English muffin.

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Keeley Race

Keeley Race

Business Development Manager

703.391.8870 x804

9 different broken bones, and counting…

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Meredith Arnest

Meredith Arnest

Business Manager

703.391.8870 x819

309 Pilates classes taken in the last 2 years.

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Austin McNair

Senior Marketing Manager


35 pieces of nutritional advice I should be following.

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Kelly MicKey

Marketing Analyst


34 different music venues visited.

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Ethan Keyserling

Research Analyst

15 different NFL stadiums he’s attended games at.

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