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Elizabeth Harr
Managing Partner
Elizabeth (Liz) Harr, a nationally recognized expert in high-growth marketing, oversees Hinge’s client services. And as the head of the firm’s technology and consulting practices, Liz is also actively involved in developing high-growth strategies for clients and delivering expert advice.
“Being part of Hinge allows me to collaborate on strategies that help firms grow in ever-changing market conditions. Our clients include some of the most forward-looking and ambitious organizations, and it’s so satisfying to help them to grow through strategic marketing.”
You can read Liz’s insights into marketing, branding and high-growth strategies in top industry publications and on Hinge’s blog. She has co-authored three groundbreaking books: The Visible Expert Revolution, Inside the Buyer’s Brain and The Visible Expert. Liz speaks regularly at conferences around the country and is a frequent guest on industry podcasts. And she is an instructor in Hinge’s newest online course, The Visible Expert.
“I truly enjoy sharing insights about the research, analysis and strategy aspects of what we do,” she says, “especially how we synthesize disconnected elements into larger, cohesive strategies for growth.”

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