Is online marketing a winning strategy for your firm? Will it help your firm grow faster? Which tactics produce bottom line results and which are a waste of time?
Finally, some answers are on the way. We are currently conducting the first study (that we are aware of) to tie the use of online marketing (from social media to search engine optimization) to the growth and profitability of professional services firms. Please take 5 minutes to complete the online survey. Your response is important no mater how much or how little online marketing you do.
Why this study and why now?
You may be aware that our previous research identified a group of professional services firms that were growing up to 9x faster and were 50% more profitable than their peers. One of the tantalizing findings was that the high growth, high value firms tended to invest more resources in their website. We want to know more.
- What other techniques are associated with faster growth and higher profitability?
- What is the role of social media? Content marketing? Search engine optimization? Paid search? Online video? Website upgrades?
- What is the effectiveness of the various techniques in developing new business and recruiting new employees?
- How are the best firms employing these techniques to generate new business?
About the study
The study will involve two separate phases.
First, we will do a large scale survey of professional services firms. This online survey takes just a few moments to complete (it took me less than 5 minutes) and is completely confidential.
In the second phase, we will identify firms that are doing the best job of leveraging online marketing. These will be turned into studies that explain how to make online marketing work for your firm.
Who may participate
The study is open to all types of professional services firms and your responses are completely confidential. As a participant you will receive some valuable goodies:
- A full report on the results and their implications
- Invitation to an exclusive participants' briefing webinar
- An optional one-on-one briefing on how you might apply the results to your firm
Take the survey now. We'll give you access to the findings as soon as they are available.
Speaking of helping out
I have one final point to make. If you are a blogger or member of an association or group that has other professional services firms as members, please consider passing along the link to the survey itself.
The bigger the sample the better the results. We are also open to briefing your organization on the results and their implications for your members or doing a guest post on the results. If you have any questions we've prepared a downloadable backgrounder on the study. Thanks for your help. Take the survey now!