Yesterday, I turned 100. More precisely, my LinkedIn profile registered at 100% complete. If you are a social media butterfly this may not seem like much of an accomplishment. But for me it was a big deal. You see, for many moons I hoovered around 40% and didn't much care. I couldn't see the benefit, nor did I know the way to reach this lofty goal.
So what changed to awaken me from my social media slumber? Two things, really. First, the world changed. My colleagues pointed to the need to understand and embrace social media as an important part of brand building and marketing. They were right, of course. The data were unambiguous and persuasive. If you are running a professional services firm you know it too.
Second, I learned the specifics of the how and why. For me it was a workshop by Chuck Hester. He walked me through the specific benefits of LinkedIn. He also explained how to work with it. Armed with the how and why. I did what any self respecting CEO would do. I made it happen.
Now, I had a couple of barriers to overcome. My motivation and examples did not focus on professional services, so I had to make a leap of faith. You won't have that problem. Why? Well, my colleagues and I have put together a free webinar to address the challenges I faced. Replete with specifics — including case examples — it walks you through what you need to know and how to make informed choices (including how to allocate your own time). I think the title sums it up nicely: Social Media For Professional Services:5 things Every Executive Should Know.