Spiraling Up: How to Create a High Growth, High Value Professional Services Firm
A practical guide to building a more reputable and profitable firm. Learn how industry leaders do it and how you can, too!
Have you ever wondered how some professional services firms are able to grow so quickly and generate remarkable value year over year? We wrote Spiraling Up to answer that question. But the book goes even further and lays out a roadmap that any firm can follow to achieve similar results.
A solid research foundation
We spent three years researching the astonishing success of high growth, high value firms. Spiraling Up is the culmination of this research. The book lays out our findings, describes their implications for your firm and explains how your management team can begin implementing high growth, high value practices.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Which marketing tools are favored by high growth firms
- How some professional services firms are experiencing higher growth while spending less on marketing and sales
- Reasons why 80% of your competitors aren’t even on your radar
- Why systematic research into potential client needs and priorities results in higher growth and profits
- And much more!
What readers say

“Wow. I wish I had this book ten years ago. Spiraling Up has managed to lay down some of the greatest best practices and strategies that have taken us years to develop at our firm. Whether you’re just starting or looking for a kick-start, this is a great read.”
Darryl Ohrt
Brand Flakes for Breakfast Blog

“The marketing self-assessment in chapter six,alone, is worth the price of the book.”
Mark Levy
Author, Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content

“Spiraling Up is a refreshing book with a clear and creative look at the commonalities and distinctive features among high growth firms. This book doesn’t speak down to you. It clearly speaks to you through clear writing, phenomenal research and creative graphics. A quick read with great take-away nuggets for any professional services firm!”
Jennifer Abernethy
Author, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
Table of Contents
1. There Must Be a Better Way
2. Two Ways to Grow
3. What High Growth Firms Do Differently
4. Commanding Top Dollar
5. How and Why Buyers Buy
6. Expanding Client Relationships
7. Marketing the High Growth Way
8. High Growth Strategies that Work
9. You Are Here
10. Starting Your Upward Spiral
Additional Resources
Self-Assessment Instrument — Available for download