It’s no longer news that online marketing is a viable and effective medium for generating business. The real story is in how effective online marketing strategies are.

Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen technology services firms embrace online marketing strategies in bits and pieces and start to combine these strategies with their traditional lead generation efforts. We’ve watched professional services firms of all stripes make this shift, and we’ve seen clear winners and losers, which we documented in our recent study, Online Marketing for Professional Services Firms.

Now, Hinge has released a special edition of the study that focuses exclusively on technology services firms. This report allows those charged with marketing technology services to understand what online techniques work in their industry and what combinations of online and traditional tools are optimal. The report includes case studies that show how firms in the real world are generating high-quality leads online today. And for the first time, it documents the financial impact of an online marketing strategy.

Here are some highlights:

  • Nearly 73% of technology firms are planning to allocate more dollars to online marketing.
  • The average firm in the technology industry is planning to increase online marketing spending by almost 122%
  • Technology firms are in the lead when it comes to online recruiting.
  • While technology services firms are utilizing some online techniques, they can benefit from implementing other techniques used by high growth firms. Those found to be most effective include: search engine optimization, blogging and content creation.

Technology services marketers that choose to invest in their online presence today stand to gain a competitive advantage. According to the data, firms that have strong online marketing programs are more likely to grow faster and be more profitable.

Those who choose to wait, however, will face an increasingly competitive online environment. And they will be at a growing disadvantage.

Online marketing as an effective business development strategy is no longer a theory. It is happening today. So if you are a tech executive or marketer, be sure to download this special technology industry edition of our study. It's free!


Elizabeth Harr