What drives growth at today’s fastest growing law and legal services firms?

For over a decade, we’ve been asking this question and finding the answers in our annual High Growth Study. Since its inception, this research project has tracked the evolving marketing strategies of successful law firms. The 2025 High Growth Study: Law Firms & Legal Services Edition reveals the primary factors that separate today’s fastest growing legal firms from their slower growing peers.

In today’s blog post, we’ll share some key insights from this year’s research report on firms in the legal space. You can purchase the full research report here.

Meet the Fastest Growing Law & Legal Services Firms

Today’s law firms find themselves confronting a multitude of persistent challenges, including heightened price sensitivity, ongoing talent acquisition difficulties, evolving generational workforce dynamics, and the imperative to cultivate new skill sets.

Despite these considerable obstacles, a select group of High Growth law firms has achieved remarkable performance, demonstrating a minimum of 20% compound annual growth over a three-year assessment period. These high-performing firms constitute slightly more than a third of the 84 legal practices surveyed in our study.

With an impressive growth rate of 41.7%, these High Growth firms have outpaced the average by a factor of 5.2—a notable increase over the previous year’s median growth of 29.6% for this top-tier cohort.

What strategic insights can be gleaned from these rapidly expanding legal practices? How are they adapting to the demands of today’s market? Which specific marketing tools and techniques do they use? Let’s delve into some of the key findings from this year’s study.

Finding 1: Downward Price Pressure on Legal Services Has Spiked

In recent years, marketplace uncertainty has consistently ranked as a primary concern for law firms, claiming the top spot in the previous year’s survey. However, this year reveals a significant shift, with marketplace uncertainty dropping over twelve percentage points and plummeting to the ninth position.

Dominating the list of current concerns is the mounting pressure to reduce fees, a sentiment echoed by four out of ten participants. This development is particularly noteworthy given the recent rise in legal fees, particularly within larger firms, as well as the industry’s upward trend in both growth and profitability.

What factors are contributing to this heightened concern over fees? Many firms may be reacting to the growing commoditization of specific legal services. They may also be worried about the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, which now ranks third among concerns. While these technological advancements enhance productivity, they also exert downward pressure on service pricing.

Furthermore, the fourth-ranked concern (not shown)—intensifying competition from emerging firms, including disruptive online legal service models—further contributes to the downward pressure on fees.

These findings offer a glimpse into the strategies of the fastest growing law firms in 2025. The full 2025 High Growth Study: Law & Legal Services Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the factors driving success in today’s market. It offers detailed insights, data-driven recommendations, and actionable strategies. This report is an invaluable resource for any law firm that wants to thrive in the face of change. Ready to dive deeper and unlock the secrets of high growth? Get the full report here.

Karl Feldman