When Referrals Aren’t Enough: Building the High Growth Firm
In this webinar, learn how to go beyond client referrals and grow your business by building a Visible Firm.
The fastest-growing firms today have more than luck on their side – they have a strategy. Our research shows that a new breed of professional services provider has emerged, one that powers growth through firm-wide, high-visibility expertise. We call this the Visible Firm.
How do Visible Firms grow? Hinge’s Lee Frederiksen and Elizabeth Harr explore the research in this webinar, “When Referrals Aren’t Enough: Building the High-Growth Firm.”
The webinar covers:
- The most effective ways to increase the visibility of your firm – and drive growth as a result.
- How to leverage both online and offline marketing tools, and how to identify the right mix of techniques for your firm.
- Proven strategies to get in front of clients you’ve never been able to reach previously.