Webinar: How Buyers Buy Accounting & Finance Services

Why do buyers of accounting & finance services choose one firm over another? What do clients want most out of a partnership? To answer these questions and more, Hinge conducted a detailed study of 822 buyers and 533 sellers in four professional services industries. What we found surprised us.

In this webinar, we summarize our findings and highlight the study's key insights — practical information you can use to sharpen your marketing and close more business. We will present data from the accounting & finance participants in our study, so the insights are always relevant and actionable.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How buyers search for and choose a new firm
  • What is the best way to market to potential clients
  • What is the benefit that clients value most but is frequently overlooked by firms
  • What is the biggest driver of client loyalty (that most firms underestimate)
  • What hidden asset do most firms ignore or misuse

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