Hinge and TargetGov present a workshop to help government contractors present and differentiate their services  

Is Your Firm Struggling to Produce A Powerful Capability Statement?

  • Are you aware of the 4 Key Elements of a Great Capability Statement?
  • Do you know how to create a Capability Statement that can be used for more than one agency or prime contractor?
  • Do you understand the differences between Core Competencies and Differentiators?
  • Can you fit all of the most important information about your business onto one page and still have a powerful impact?

Join us and learn the best way to build a winning capabilities statement. We’ll also teach you The Five Key Mistakes Contractors Make in Their Capability Statements, the difference between a Capability Statement and Capability Brief, the ideal length of a Capability Statement and much more.

Choose from either of two sessions:

May 7, 2009
7:30am – 10:30 am
12030 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 120
Reston, Virginia 20191

May 20, 2009
7:30am – 10:30 am
312 Marshall Ave. #104
Laurel, MD 20707