The 2021/22 AAM Marketing Budget Benchmark Study: Executive Summary
The industry's most detailed and comprehensive look at marketing budgets. Line-by-line, find out how where the fastest growing accounting firms spend their marketing dollars.
The Association for Accounting Marketing and the Hinge Research Institute joined forces for the 5th time to conduct the industry’s most comprehensive study of accounting marketing budgets to date. To download and read the free Executive Summary, fill out the form on this page.
Purchase the full report to learn how your firm compares to industry benchmarks, such as:
- Overall marketing spend as a percentage of firm revenue
- Percentage of staff devoted to marketing
- How firms adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Which marketing techniques most firms favor
- What high-growth firms do differently
“The findings reveal the central role marketing teams played in helping their firms adjust to new client needs and priorities, launch new service lines, and keep their firms on buyers’ minds in the digital marketplace. Although the industry is known for slow-going change, this year’s results prove that firms can reinvent themselves and be better prepared for whatever comes next with the right marketing investments.” – Becca Johns, President of AAM.
About the Sample:
- 140 firms participated
- 523 offices represented
- 23,072 full time-employees accounted for
- $6.7 billion in combined revenue
The full study includes a two-page budget worksheet that firms can use to create their own budget benchmark. Purchase the full study here.