Visible Value: How Firms Benefit from Visible Experts
Learn how hiring or cultivating an in-house Visible Expert impacts professional services providers.
Our previous research has shown that professional services buyers identify many advantages to engaging high-visibility experts. But what benefits do these Visible Experts℠ bring to their own firms?
We surveyed 1,028 professional services purchasers and 130 Visible Experts℠ to find out. Now the results are available in our new research report, “Visible Value: How Firms Benefit from Visible Experts℠.”
In this report, we explore the surprising range of benefits that experts of every level bring to an organization, including:
- Impact on billing rates
- Brand building and firm visibility
- Firm growth and business development
- Lead generation benefits
- The ability to close sales
- Increased professional partnerships
Plus, we take a look at the demand for different levels of high-visibility expertise in the professional services marketplace.
Download your complimentary copy today. Enjoy!